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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How Dancing Can Lead to Weight Loss Success

Who could forget Chubby Checker's classic "Twist"? This song has long stood the test of time not only for its cool sound but also for its ability to get any crowd up onto their feet. The best part about this tune is that you really don't need rhythm to dance to it. If you could simply twist your hips from side to side, you found yourself dancing to the latest hit. Here is why dancing to oldies pop music is one of the best workouts you will ever encounter.

The Music Is Fun and Uplifting

If you take listen to just about any of the music being played today it is really difficult to find a song that isn't using foul language or making rude and vulgar suggestions. The music from the 1950s and 1960s was more subtle. Dancing to music that is more about having fun and enjoying yourself opens your mind and allows you to release any nervous tension you may have in your body. When you are free from stress and negativity, you will receive the full impact of a workout.

The Dance Moves Are Multi-Dimensional

Thinking back on days gone by, I can distinctly recall dances like the "running man", "the swim" and of course "the twist". As you can probably gather from their names, these dance moves gave you a full body workout. Not only were you tired after each song, you would almost need a change of clothes because you would easily break into a drenching sweat trying to execute each move.

You Forget You Are Working Out

The best part about dancing is that you don't even recognize that you are exercising. That is the key to true and lasting weight loss. Most people don't diet or exercise because they believe it would be too painful. The secret to getting past this limited thinking is to do something you love that involves physical activity. This way, you are having fun and you don't even realize that you are burning calories. For some it is dancing for others it might be playing basketball or tennis.

It is possible to get a great workout and have fun in the process. Whether your activity of choice is dance or some other fun fat burning exercise, just know that you will always success if you always enjoy what you are doing.

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