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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fasting For Weight Loss - Will It Help You?

Fasting for weight loss has dramatic effects. The quick and very visible reduction in weight often makes this method of weight loss attractive to many people. However, even though the method has its quick and visible results, there are a few problems awaiting people who choose this route to loose weight.

To elaborate, when people choose fasting for weight loss, rarely do they eat nothing at all. Many people try recipes of juice concoctions that allow them to fill up on juice and feel as though they have eaten. They may puree their favorite fruits etc.

The problem with this method is that, although they may be choosing healthy fruits to puree and drink, often these fruit cannot possibly contain all of the vital nutrients that a person needs throughout the day.

Another problem is the social element that we tend to place on eating. When a person is fasting for weight loss, lunch out with a friend, dinner at the table with the family and just the quick snacks people eat in the office are all off limits.

It can be very difficult to stick to any kind of weight loss diet that does not take into account the many social occasions at which we have to eat.

Another problem, is that the quick results you see when fasting, the results that make the option so

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